
As your body heals from injuries or surgical procedures, you will likely experience scarring. While this process is natural, you may wish to reduce the appearance of these scars to restore your skin’s natural complexion. Fortunately, cosmetic surgeons offer several treatment options to diminish scars and boost your confidence, like the ones detailed below.

3 Non-Invasive Ways to Minimize Scars

1. Microdermabrasion

This treatment is best for reducing light scarring as well as sun damage, stretch marks, wrinkles, and discoloration. During this procedure, the cosmetic surgeon will use a small tool to gently move crystals across the skin. This process exfoliates the skin and removes the top layer. The skin will then regenerate, and the scar will be less visible. Microdermabrasion requires little recovery.

2. Chemical Peels

cosmetic surgeonDuring this treatment, the doctor will apply a chemical solution to clean skin. Chemical peels also remove the outer layer. The result is smoother skin and reduced scar appearance. Keep in mind that chemical peels may cause redness, stinging, swelling, blisters, and sun sensitivity. If you undergo this treatment, your doctor will give you aftercare instructions and may set up a schedule for additional treatments to further diminish the scar.

3. Laser Treatments

Cosmetic surgeons use lasers for multiple treatments, including minimizing the appearance of scars. The doctor will target the beam at the scarred area, eliminating the outer skin cells and stimulating new growth. Patients who are taking certain medications or are sensitive to light may not be good candidates for laser therapy.


If you’re interested in scar removal, cosmetic surgeon David K. Hiranaka, M.D., D.M.D, will help you understand your treatment options. Located in Kailua-Kona, HI, Dr. Hiranaka’s office offers a variety of surgical and nonsurgical procedures in addition to scar removal. He specializes in reconstructive procedures of the face and neck, including brow lifts, rhinoplasty, and facial implants. To view a full list of services, visit the website. You can also call (808) 326-2040 to schedule an appointment today.
