
You rely on your cooling and heating system to keep your home comfortable year-round. A working HVAC unit is also crucial for maintaining indoor air quality. When air quality is compromised, it can result in a range of health issues and even property damage. Here are a few signs it might be time for an HVAC inspection to improve the air quality of your home. 

4 Indicators of Poor Indoor Air Quality 

1. Humidity Issues

When the air is too humid or dry, it can be uncomfortable and result in health issues, such as dry skin, itchy eyes, and respiratory trouble. Low humidity can also result in constant static electricity, dried-out indoor plants, and peeling wallpaper. Excess moisture, on the other hand, can create a hotbed for mold and dust mites, which can also cause health issues, such as allergy symptoms, fatigue, and a sore throat. If your home seems unusually humid or dry, have the HVAC unit inspected and consider a whole-home humidifier or dehumidifier, which will work in conjunction with your cooling and heating system. 

2. Unusually Dirty Surfaces

heating systemYou might not be able to see dust in the air, but it will be visible as it settles on surfaces, like floors and furniture. If you notice an excessive amount of dust around the house, it could indicate clogged air filters or dirty ducts. An HVAC technician can identify and fix the issue to rectify your indoor air quality. 

3. Worsening Asthma or Allergy Symptoms

People with asthma, allergies, and other respiratory issues are particularly vulnerable to the effects of poor air quality. If someone in the family has such problems, they might find it more difficult to breathe as particles of dust, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, and other contaminates circulate through the air. Some symptoms of worsening allergies and asthma include coughing and wheezing, sneezing, headaches, congestion, and watery eyes. 

4. Poor Energy Efficiency

Poor air quality often goes hand in hand with decreased efficiency, as both are impacted by components such as the ducts and air filters. Your system might be inefficient if it’s cycling longer than it used to or your energy bills are unexpectedly higher. As a rule of thumb, you should swap out the air filter in the autumn and spring and clean it at least once per season. However, if you have pets or someone in the household has allergies or asthma, you may need to change it more often. 


If you’re a Burlington, KY, resident and need cooling and heating system maintenance due to poor indoor air quality, turn to the professionals at A & B Heating & Air Conditioning. This fully licensed company has served Boone County since 1966, providing reliable repairs and installations for homes and businesses. Call (859) 525-0100 to speak with a helpful staff member, or visit their website to learn more about all they have to offer. 
