
Being convicted of a DUI or DWI can have enormous consequences, with penalties that seem to grow by the year. While you may be aware of the fines, mandatory jail sentences, and license suspensions that are almost sure to stem from a DUI conviction, there are actually many hidden costs which can and/or may seriously impact your life. These costs vary from court to court and state to state.

As Michael A. Newland Law Office, an experienced criminal attorney serving Hamilton, OH, explains, after conviction you may be subjected to:

  • Paying For Additional Penalties: Many states require meeting with a Victim Impact Panel and attending a special DUI school to learn more about the dangers of driving under the influence. In addition to probation fees and a variety of other optional penalties the judge may assign, the additional costs of a conviction mount up quickly. While hiring a DUI lawyer may seem expensive, avoiding a conviction may save you a great deal of money.
  • Lifestyle Restrictions: Many car rental companies will refuse to serve you with a DUI on your record. In addition, you may not be able to purchase life insurance, and may be charged more for automobile and health insurance.
  • Travel Limitations: Many countries, including Canada, refuse entry to anyone with a criminal record. While this restriction is often limited to felonies, many countries are off-limits to anyone with a DUI conviction.

A drinking-and-driving conviction has serious effects which may impact the rest of your life. Visit Michael A. Newland Law Office online to see the full range of services available, from will writing to criminal law, or call (513) 887-9595 to schedule a consultation.
