
Chiropractic adjustments and localized therapeutic massage as a complementary therapy have numerous beneficial effects on health.

Arthritis: Anxiety and stress hormone (cortisol) levels were immediately decreased by massage, and pain decreased over a 30-day period.

Back Pain: Massage lessened lower back pain, depression, and anxiety, and improved sleep. The massage therapy group also showed improved range of motion and their serotonin (assists in stopping bleeding) and dopamine levels were higher. Parkinson’s disease results from a deficiency of dopamine. Both serotonin and dopamine enhance sleeping, motion control, mood and a sense of well-being.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Immediately following massage therapy depressed mood, anxiety and stress hormone (cortisol) levels were reduced. Following 10 days of massage therapy, fatigue-related symptoms, especially in the muscles or bone, and anxiety were reduced, as were depression, difficulty sleeping and pain. Stress hormones also decreased and dopamine (see Back Pain, above) increased.

Dancers (also applies to Athletes): Massage therapy improved range of motion, mood, and performance (including balance and posture) and decreased stress hormone (cortisol) after one month twice-weekly massage therapy.

Fibromyalgia: Massage therapy improved sleep patterns and decreased pain, fatigue, anxiety, depression and stress levels.

Hypertension and/or Depression: Massage therapy decreased diastolic blood pressure, anxiety and stress hormone levels, improved sleep patterns, lowered depression and anxiety.

Job Performance/Stress: Massaged subjects showed 1) enhanced alertness; 2) math problems were completed in significantly less time with significantly fewer errors after the massage; and 3) anxiety, the stress hormone cortisol and job stress levels were lower at the end of the 5 week period.

Migraine Headaches: Massage therapy decreased the occurrence of headaches, sleep disturbances and distress symptoms and increased serotonin levels (see Back Pain, above).

Pregnancy: This study showed decreased anxiety and stress hormones during pregnancy and fewer obstetric and postnatal complications including fewer low pre-maturity rates following pregnancy massage.

Premenstrual Symptoms: Mood improved and anxiety, pain and water retention symptoms decreased after massage therapy.


Are you in need of chiropractic care or want more information on it’s great health benefits? For a free consultation call 651-388-8294 or check out our website at Satisfactory guaranteed.
