
For many women, the symptoms of menopause can be hard to deal with. Your gynecologist can provide you with information and answer case-specific questions regarding your health. However, knowing what to expect goes a long way in being prepared for the symptoms menopause, so you’re not taken by surprise.

Menopause FAQ

1. Why Does Menopause Happen?

As a result of the natural aging process, a woman’s ovaries will begin producing a lower volume of estrogen. This marks the end of the fertile stage and the onset of menopause. For most women, menopause takes place between the ages of 45 and 55. A gynecologist will confirm menopause after the menstrual cycle has ceased for one year.

2. Do All Women Experience Hot Flashes?

Hot flashes are an exceedingly common symptom of menopause. While most women experience hot flashes, they can vary in intensity. In general, mild hot flashes are a slight warmth on the skin while severe hot flashes can result in night sweats, interrupting your sleep. If your hot flashes are too intense, speak with your gynecologist about a possible solution.

3. Does Menopause Cause Moodiness?

gynecologistWhile not all women experience changes in mood, it can occur in many cases. The exact reason is not yet known; mood changes may be caused by diminished estrogen levels, reaction to effects like decreased sex drive, or simply as a natural result of aging. Women experiencing depression or anxiety are usually prescribed antidepressants to combat these symptoms.

4. Do I Still Need to Use Birth Control?

It’s recommended that you continue to use birth control until you’ve not menstruated for a year. After which contraception like condoms should still be used to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.


Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates believes that every woman’s health care needs are unique. For older women, they help treat the symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes and loss of bone density. They also help pregnant women by offering OBGYN services, by providing information on prenatal vitamins, assessing fetal development, and delivering your baby. Schedule an appointment with a gynecologist in Butler County, OH, by calling (513) 221-3800. You can also visit them online to access more helpful patient resources.
