
The winter months are collectively known as flu and cold season. While getting sick is no fun at any age, it can be particularly painful for parents to watch their little ones when they’re ill. From their child care center to chilly outdoor weather, making sure your children are equipped to beat germs in every environment is essential for keeping them healthy this season. Here are a few practical tips to help them avoid getting sick.

How to Keep Your Child Free From Sickness This Winter

1. Spend Time Outside & Dress Warmly

Just because the temperatures have dipped doesn’t mean your children should be cooped up inside. From building snowmen to ice skating, there are plenty of fun activities to be had, and getting fresh air will actually prevent germs, which live in warm environments. No matter how long they spend outside, kids should always wear warm clothing. Make sure they have a water-resistant jacket, mittens, and a hat. Loose fitting layers beneath jackets help to keep small children warm while outside. 

2. Change Them Out of Wet Clothing

child careAs soon as your child comes inside from a fun-filled snow day, get them out of their wet clothing. Make sure any wet clothes dry before they’re worn again. If your child care center allows children to play in the snow, don’t forget to send them with an extra change of clothing (labeled with their names).

3. Cover Your Mouth

Germs spread easily from one person to the next, so make sure to cover your mouth with an elbow when coughing or sneezing. Teach your child to do the same, and you’ll both be less likely to get sick.

4. Wash Hands Thoroughly 

Another great way to keep from spreading germs is to frequently and thoroughly wash your hands that those of your child. Be sure that your child care staff do the same.

5. Visit a Doctor if They Get Sick

If your child does come down with a high fever or severe cough, speak to their pediatrician before administering any medications. Some types of cough syrup can cause symptoms in young children, including irritability, agitation, and heart-rhythm problems. 


During the winter, it’s important to make sure that your child’s care center is committed to maintaining a clean environment and keeping kids safe outside. The staff at A Rising Star Children’s Center in Westchester County, NY, will ensure that your child stays safe and healthy this winter. Their staff members are experts in childhood safety best practices. Visit their website to learn more about their child care and after-school programs, or call (914) 788-4582 to speak with a staff member.
