
A drain clog is inconvenient at best, and it could cause water damage to your floors and ceilings if the backup overflows in a severe situation. If you’re dealing with an emergency backup, you’ll need to call a plumber for drain cleaning. However, there are also some steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of a clog. Below are a few simple, practical steps for keeping your pipes clear.

Tips for Preventing Drain Clogs

1. Be Careful What You Flush

Only human waste and toilet paper should be going down your toilet. Paper towels, tampons, floss, and wet wipes are often incorrectly labeled “flushable.” Otherwise, they can snag in the pipes and gather other waste, creating a clog that only professional drain cleaning can disperse.

2. Limit Garbage Disposal Use

drain cleaningWhile a garbage disposal can make food prep a breeze, you still need to be careful about what goes down the drains. Bones and coffee grounds can jam in the pipes, so they should go in the trash. While it might seem easy to pour grease down the drain, don’t do it; as it cools and congeals, it will block water flow your pipes. Instead, pour it into an old can, wait for it to cool, and toss it in the trash.

3. Install a Hair Trap in the Shower

While the hair you shed in the shower might seem insignificant, it can snarl together in the pipes, collecting soap scum, and other debris. If your shower is draining slowly, it is slowly building up a clog. If the blockage is deep in the pipes, you’ll need to call a professional for drain cleaning. Once the pipes are clear, use a hair trap to prevent future problems.

4. Invest in Routine Drain Cleaning

You don’t have to wait for plumbing problems to develop before you deal with them. By scheduling a yearly drain cleaning with your plumber, you can catch these issues before they inconvenience you. During this visit, your plumber can also address other concerns and ensure your plumbing system is in good shape.


If your pipes are draining slowly or not at all, get help from the professionals at A+ Family Plumbing. They pride themselves on providing efficient plumbing and remodeling services to homeowners throughout Onalaska, WI. Even if you experience a late-night clog, they offer 24/7 plumbing help, so you’re covered, no matter what arises. To learn more about their services, visit them online, and call (608) 783-5558 to schedule a drain cleaning visit.
