
Your smile is the first thing people notice when they meet you. While regular checkups with your dentist are the best way to keep your smile healthy, there are other simple methods to maintain your pearly whites. To keep your smile bright, consider the following three habits that contribute the most to teeth stains.

Regular Habits That Discolor Your Smile

1. Diet

The foods you eat and beverages you drink come into direct contact with your teeth, so it’s no surprise they’re one of the biggest culprits behind discoloration. Beverages like coffee, tea and wine leave your teeth looking darker and yellowed. Highly acidic foods will also erode your enamel, which is responsible for protecting the sensitive inner layer of your teeth. When the enamel is weakened, your teeth are vulnerable to stains and decay. Remember to drink a few sips of water after eating or drinking acidic items to rinse your mouth.

2. Tobacco Products

dentistTobacco products aren’t good for your overall health, but they can also cause extreme discoloration on your teeth. Nicotine and tar, two main ingredients in cigarettes and chewing tobacco, are heavy, dark and thick. Your tooth enamel has pores like your skin, and these provide the perfect place for those substances to seep into, leaving your smile looking yellow or brownish. These stains can build up over time and even reach the inner layer of the teeth, which means your best remedy is a professional whitening treatment from your dentist.

3. Poor Dental Hygiene

Poor dental hygiene can cause discoloration of your teeth. Brushing and flossing not only prevent cavities, but they also clean your teeth and stop stains from setting in. And because your dentist provides a much more thorough cleaning, it’s crucial to keep your appointments so they can assess your smile and monitor any issues.


If you want to keep your smile healthy and white, visit the professionals at PdC Dentistry, S.C. in Crawford County, WI. The dentists on staff treat patients of all ages and provide preventative cleanings, restorative treatments, and cosmetic solutions to make your smile bright. To learn more about how the professionals at PdC Dentistry, S.C. can improve your oral hygiene, visit them online or call 608-326-8458.
