
You rely on your interior plumbing to keep wastewater moving away from your home, making it possible to bathe, clean your home, and wash your clothes. Unfortunately, when your underground sewer lines clog, it could cause a long list of problems, including bad odors and improperly functioning toilets. Below are a few common causes of sewer line clogs and how you can avoid them.

3 Reasons Sewer Lines Clog

1. Flushing Things Other Than Toilet Paper

Sometimes, well-meaning family members and guests choose to use toilets like a trash can. While toilets are designed to flush waste and toilet paper, disposing of feminine hygiene products, wet wipes, diapers, paper towels, or even cotton balls can cause these items to clog your sewer line, leading to emergency plumbing problems.

2. Letting Grease Go Down the Drain

Since many varieties of fats are liquid when they are warm, most people don’t think twice about letting grease run down the drain. Unfortunately, temperatures cool significantly the farther underground the water and grease moves, allowing that fat to solidify and clog the line. When washing dishes and cleaning your home, avoid letting fats flow down the drain—even if you flush the area with plenty of hot water.

3. Planting Invasive Trees 

plumbingCertain tree varieties have quick-growing, powerful root systems that can infiltrate underground plumbing. Aspen, sycamore, and elm trees are just a few invasive species you should avoid planting in your yard. If you plant trees as part of your landscaping, consider putting down a chemical root barrier, which keeps roots from growing near underground lines.


If you start experiencing problems with your drains or toilets, turn to Chugach Sewer and Drain in Anchorage, AK. In addition to offering fast, reliable service, these professionals also specialize in state-of-the-art plumbing treatments, including hydro jetting and sewer line thawing. Find out more about how they can help with your plumbing by checking out their website, or call (907) 929-5072 to schedule an appointment. 
