
Ignoring the maintenance needs of your septic tank will inevitably lead to some very unpleasant and costly problems. Scheduling regular visits from a professional septic tank cleaning service will keep those problems at bay. If you’re a homeowner, make sure you have a cleaning regimen that adheres to EPA guidelines for the following reasons. Keep in mind that you may need to schedule tank cleanings more frequently than the EPA recommends depending on your level of use and the condition of your tank. 

Benefits of Septic Tank Cleaning

1. Save Money

Investing in regular septic tank cleaning visits is much more affordable than dealing with the serious issues that are likely to occur if maintenance is ignored. Regular septic tank cleaning will reduce the risk of unsanitary and costly sewage backups. Maintenance professionals are also able to detect and repair signs of damage before they become major concerns, extending the useful life of your tank and saving you from the expense of an unduly early replacement. 

2. Maintain a Healthy Environment 

septic tank cleaningRegular septic tank cleaning keeps your system operating properly and efficiently. Without professional septic care, you risk having hazardous wastewater drain into your yard that will ruin your landscaping. An improperly functioning system may also backup into your home and introduce harmful bacteria or fumes that will put you and your family at risk of serious illness.

3. Preserve Property Value

If you plan to sell your home in the near future, prospective buyers may ask to see septic maintenance records. If you have no records because you haven’t kept up with septic tank cleaning, that could be off-putting to your buyer. Furthermore, there’s an increased likelihood that an inspection will reveal a damaged and inefficient tank. You may be asked to significantly lower the asking price, replace or repair the system, or lose the sale altogether. 


If you’re ready to get on a regular septic tank cleaning schedule, the professionals of Zook’s Septic Services, LLC in Middleburg, PA, are ready to help. As a member of the Pennsylvania Septage Management Association with more than 30 years of experience in the industry, the company has built a reputation for efficient and high-quality service at wallet-friendly prices. They service septic systems throughout the Susquehanna River Valley. Visit the website for more information on septic system maintenance and installation or call (570) 837-1466 to speak with a friendly representative today.
