
Porcelain veneers can give you the even, white teeth you've always wanted. But while enjoying this fresh boost of confidence, make sure to practice proper dental care in order to get the most out of the investment—and your new smile. Here's how they should be preserved.

How to Maintain Dental Veneers

How Do You Brush Veneers?

A dentist will likely recommend that you treat these veneers as you would natural teeth while taking extra care to remove surface stains and plaque gently. A soft toothbrush and a non-abrasive toothpaste will allow you to brush without scratching the polish of the veneers. They may also advise using a water flosser rather than wax floss to prevent breakage. 

What Habits Might Harm Dental Veneers?

To prevent breaking the veneers, avoid opening packages with your teeth or biting any non-food items. This can include writing utensils, your fingernails, and even ice. Similarly, consider wearing a mouthguard if you grind or clench your teeth at night. Those who clench and grind their teeth during the day should speak with a dental care professional about ways to kick this habit. 

How Can They Be Kept White?

dental careLimit your consumption of heavily-pigmented foods and drinks like coffee, pasta sauce, red wine, black tea, and soda. When you do indulge in these items, brush or rinse your teeth shortly after to remove any staining agents. Most importantly, avoid tobacco products, as these can stain the veneers and limit their lifespan. 

When Should You See a Dentist?

Most offices will want to see their patients every six months for a checkup and cleaning, but you should work out a dental care schedule with your dentist. Once they place the veneers, they may want to see you shortly after to ensure that the pieces are properly in place. If you experience any complications between appointments, call the dentist as soon as possible.


Dental veneers are just one of the ways to keep your smile shining. Teresa Wade DDS – Family Dentistry in Andrews, TX, offers a wide variety of general and cosmetic dental care services for the whole family. Dr. Wade and her staff have been practicing in Andrews for 38 years. They take an educational approach to dentistry, helping their community develop habits for a long life of healthy teeth. To view a full list of services, visit their website. Or call (432) 523-7782 to schedule an appointment. 
