
HVAC systems are like any other mechanical equipment; they’ll fail and will eventually need to be replaced. However, it can sometimes be difficult for homeowners to decide whether they should repair or replace their heating and cooling systems. Professional air conditioning and heating contractors recommend following the 50% rule. When repairs cost approximately 50% of the value of a system, it’s time to replace it. Here is a quick guide to help you decide whether to replace or repair your system.

3 Factors to Consider When Deciding Whether to Repair or Replace Your HVAC System

1. Age

Air conditioners and heat pumps typically last up to 12 years and furnaces and boilers often last up to 20 years. If your system is older than that, it’s time to consider upgrading. The cost of repairs will gradually begin to increase and may soon add up to more than 50% of your system’s value. At this point, have an air conditioning or heating contractor inspect your system to recommend a comparable or better model.

2. Efficiencyheating contractor

Routine HVAC service is necessary to keep your system running efficiently, but even if properly maintained, as the equipment nears the end of its life, it’ll use more energy to operate. If your utility costs begin to increase without explanation, your HVAC unit could be to blame. Many newer systems are far more energy efficient than older ones and updating could help you save on your utility bills.

3. Comfort

An old heating and cooling system may be insufficient if you’ve added on to your home. For example, adding a bonus room could make your air conditioning unit work harder to keep the rest of your home comfortable. It’s common for old systems to fail to heat or cool every room in a house evenly. If you’re consistently hot or cold in one room but comfortable in another, it may be time for a replacement.


Are you unsure whether to repair or replace your HVAC system? You can rely on the air conditioning and heating contractors at Chuck Ollinger Plumbing and Heating, located in Erie County, for expert guidance. They’ve specialized in HVAC services, including emergency repairs and installations, for more than 50 years. Call (814) 899-2809 to speak with a cooling and heating contractor, or visit them online to schedule an estimate today. 
