
Back pain can hold you back from living your most vibrant life, making everyday activities more difficult. While many people suffer from constant pain in the lower vertebrae, middle back pain is also a common concern. This type of discomfort affects the area between the base of the neck and the bottom of the rib cage. In addition to talking to your doctor or physical therapist about this pain, consider these causes.

What Are Some Common Causes of Middle Back Pain?


Osteoarthritis can cause pain and stiffness all over the body, but this condition often causes pain in the middle back. This disease causes the bone’s cartilage to break down and the bones to rub against each other. When this occurs in the spine, you may experience inflammation and stiffness.

Poor Posture

middle back painIf you work at a desk during the day, you may curve your spine and harm your posture. Slouching forward while standing can also cause this curve. Over time, improper posture strains the muscles in the middle back and causes pain.


As the body ages, back pain becomes more common. This is because the spine loses spinal fluid, muscle mass, and bone density over time. When the spine is less lubricated, and the muscles and bones are less able to bear weight, the back can experience more pain. This can be especially true in patients who are overweight, so it’s crucial to talk to your doctor about your weight’s role in back pain.

Herniated Discs

Also called slipped discs or ruptured discs, this type of injury can happen anywhere in the spine. A herniated disc occurs when the shock-absorbing disk of the vertebrae pushes forward or ruptures. This pushes on the spinal nerves and causes back pain — as well as numbness and tingling in the limbs.

Muscle Strain

Whether you lifted a heavy weight at the gym or improperly moved a heavy box, you can stretch or tear the ligaments of the spine. These injuries can also happen by simply moving your back in the wrong way. If one of these injuries occur, a physical therapist can help you find relief and prevent an injury in the future.


When it comes to your physical health, you need the right professionals on your side. The physical therapists at Step By Step Physical Therapy help patients in Western New York recover from injuries and chronic pain. Whether you are living with middle back pain or recovering from surgery, these professionals will use therapeutic technologies and personalized exercises to control your pain and help you recover. To learn more about their services, visit their website today.
