
As a parent, your child’s health, safety, and happiness are your top priorities. Unfortunately, kids get sick and sometimes, health problems are more than a passing phenomenon like a cold or flu. Such is the case with hearing loss, which affects about two to three out of every 1,000 children born in the United States. Here are four signs your child might be struggling to hear. 

What Signs Could Indicate Hearing Loss in Children?

1. Body Language

If they have trouble hearing, your child may lean forward to get closer to sounds, mainly when listening to someone speaking. They may also turn their head to one side, complaining of only being able to hear out of their “good ear.” In addition, they may search from left to right to try to determine the source of a sound.

2. Asking You to Repeat Things

It’s not uncommon for someone to miss a few words here and there, particularly in noisy environments or when conversing with someone who has a soft voice. However, if you notice your child is asking you to repeat yourself frequently or telling you they can’t hear you, it may indicate hearing loss. Many parents mistakenly assume their child isn’t paying attention when they ask for something to be repeated, but this isn’t always the case. 

3. Struggling in School

Hhearing lossealth issues can affect academic performance, and hearing loss is no exception. If your child is struggling to hear what the teacher is saying, they may not be able to follow directions or participate in class as much as they did previously. Talk with your child’s teacher if you notice their grades are dropping or if your child seems frustrated by academics. 

4. Speaking Loudly

If your child is speaking more loudly than usual or louder than other children, it may indicate they can’t hear well. Some kids have louder voices than others, but children with hearing loss may talk louder because they cannot hear themselves. 


If your child is exhibiting symptoms of hearing loss, talk to your pediatrician or an audiologist. Dr. Charlie Palmer and his team at Russellville Hearing Clinic have helped families throughout Pope County, AR, with hearing loss treatment and prevention for more than 20 years. Call (479) 968-7250 to schedule an appointment or visit their website to learn more about their comprehensive audiology services. 
