
If your elderly loved ones are planning to relocate to a smaller house or a retirement community, one of the first steps is to downsize their home. This can be a tiring process, which is why they’ll likely need you to assist them. If you’re unsure where to begin, below are a few tips that can streamline the downsizing and moving process.

3 Downsizing Tips for Seniors

1. Go Room By Room

The enormity of downsizing can seem overwhelming, but you can break it down into more manageable tasks by focusing on one room at a time. Begin with the rooms that get the least use, like the dining room and basement. If your senior loved one is moving to a smaller home, they will likely not have these rooms, so you may want to sell or donate the furniture.

2. Sort Through Possessions

movingSort your loved one’s possessions into “keep,” “donate,” “sell,” and “discard” piles. Don’t let your loved one hold onto unnecessary items like outdated appliances or unopened gifts to avoid clutter in their new residence.

3. Hire a Moving Service

To ease stress, hire a reputable moving service to pack and transport the boxes and furniture. They will ensure all of your loved one’s items arrive in good condition at their new home. Plus, they’ll handle the heavy lifting, so your loved one doesn’t risk injury. You can also request they help unpack. 


Moves don’t have to be stressful for you and your elderly parents. If you’re on Oahu, enlist the help of M. Dyer & Sons in Pearl City, HI. For over 50 years, they’ve provided moving and storage solutions for on-island, inter-island, mainland, and international moves. Call (808) 456-4200 today to request a free estimate. You can also visit their website to learn more about their full range of services. 
