
If you’re like most people, you enjoy sweet treats like cookies, pies, and hot cocoa during the holiday season. While they make for an excellent ending to a satisfying meal, they also contribute to the breakdown of your tooth enamel. Thankfully, you can avoid toothaches and cavities this winter by remembering the following tips. 

How to Avoid Holiday Cavities & Toothaches 

1. Choose Your Treats Wisely 

If you’re attending events with mounds of decadent cookies, cakes, and fudge, indulge in only one or two items. As you put your plate together, select delights that are least harmful to your teeth. Low-sugar gingerbread cookies, pumpkin pie without the whipped topping, and healthy fruit salads are wiser choices than sticky or sugary desserts and candies. 

2. Drink Plenty of Water 

After you eat dessert, drink a glass of water. It’ll help remove sugar from your tooth enamel. You’ll also avoid cavities by choosing water for your mealtime beverage. If you have sparkling juice, wine, or coffee, rinse your mouth with water afterward to prevent plaque and tartar buildup. 

3. Brush Your Teeth Often 

toothachesIf you’re busy during the holidays, don’t forget to brush your teeth. You should be using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste at least twice per day. If possible, take a travel-size tool with you so you can brush more often. Spend at least two minutes brushing, making sure to cover every surface of your enamel. 

4. Don’t Forget to Floss 

An important part of preventing cavities and toothaches is to floss between your teeth. This will help remove food particles and bacteria that your brush can’t access. Use string floss or an oral irrigator each night. Consider keeping a few floss picks with you if you’ll be attending dinner parties and gatherings during the holidays. 

5. Use Fluoride Rinses 

In addition to fluoride toothpaste, mouthwashes with fluoride also help prevent toothaches. Rinse with one twice per day for cavity prevention and fresh breath. Small bottles are available to keep in your purse or luggage. 


While you do your best to prevent cavities at home, you can increase your chances of enjoying excellent oral health by partnering with a skilled and friendly dentist. Since 1981, Daniel M Hamrick DDS of Rowan County, NC, has provided the community with quality family dentistry services, including preventive teeth cleanings and restorative treatments. To make an appointment to discuss a toothache, call (704) 857-7497. For information about becoming a new patient, visit the practice website. Read happy patient reviews and discover more helpful dental care tips on their Facebook page. 
