
Imperative to urinary health, the kidneys serve as metabolic waste filters. The bean-shaped organs filter the blood and contribute to blood pressure regulation, acid-base balance, and electrolyte maintenance, among other essential functions.

Ensuring the health of this vital organ is highly necessary to prevent issues such as kidney stones and larger problems like kidney disease. The talented, knowledgeable staff at Mt Auburn Nephrology believes in educating patients about kidney health whenever possible and offers the following tips regarding kidney-friendly foods:

  • Low-Potassium Foods: A diet rich in low-potassium fruit and vegetables is one excellent for kidney health. The kidneys regulate potassium, with high levels increasing chances of stroke and heart attack. Fruits proven to boost kidney function include blueberries, apples, cranberries, cherries, strawberries, red grapes, and raspberries. Helpful vegetables include cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, red bell peppers, and onions. These foods are high in vitamins and antioxidants, and low in potassium.

  • Iron-Rich Foods: Chronic kidney disease diagnosis often indicates low iron levels. Iron helps the body produce red blood cells, with the kidneys providing the production signal. Failure to produce enough red blood cells results in sluggishness. Increasing iron levels through supplements as well as foods such as leafy greens and eggs is recommended.

  • DASH Diet: The DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) is widely endorsed by healthcare professionals and a recognized treatment for kidney disease, hypertension, and heart disease. Rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, beans, nuts, and seeds, the DASH diet is low in salt, sodium, sugar, and red meat.

In addition to enjoying a kidney-friendly diet and, therefore, elevated kidney function, it’s important to drink a lot of water to keep the kidneys flushed and healthy. Exercise contributes greatly to kidney and overall health as well.

For more on kidney disease treatment, contact Mt Auburn Nephrology at (513)-841-0222 or visit the website today.
