
If you’ve recently noticed a decline in a loved one’s memory, whether it’s losing their keys or forgetting where they parked their car, it can raise concern. Dementia can present itself in a number of ways, but early identification is crucial in determining the help your loved one needs, whether it’s the right nursing home or in-home assistance. If you observe the following symptoms in your loved one, consider having a physician evaluate their cognitive health.

What Are the Early Signs of Dementia?

1. Memory Problems

One of the most common symptoms in the beginning stages of dementia is difficulty remembering normal, routine things. Dementia impacts the brain’s ability to recall information, so your loved one may forget about a doctor’s appointment or lunch date.

2. Confusion

nursing home If your loved one becomes increasingly confused, it could be an early sign of dementia. This confusion typically involves minute details of their life, such as mixing up where they spent the holidays last year or where they went on their honeymoon. In the early stages, this confusion starts with small things but can become dangerous as it progresses because the consequences are more severe, such as getting lost or forgetting to turn off the stove.  

3. Irritation

As cognitive abilities decline, individuals can become frustrated and disoriented because they’re struggling with day-to-day tasks. Not being able to recall what or if they ate can cause feelings of anger and embarrassment. If your loved one resists your help during these bouts of irritation, consider talking to a nursing home professional about the assistance they can provide.    

4. Depression

Isolation and sadness often accompany dementia. This condition can make your loved one feel like they’re missing out on things because they can’t remember as well as they used to. If depression becomes frequent, finding the right nursing home can ensure your loved one’s physical and emotional wellbeing is taken care of.


Whether your loved one is exhibiting signs of dementia or simply needs more assistance to keep them happy and healthy, you can trust the professionals at Englewood Health Care Center. The nursing home provides around-the-clock care and rehabilitation services for elderly residents across Monroe County, AL, so you can be sure your loved ones are in safe and reliable hands. To learn more about how they can help your family, visit them online or call (251) 575-3285.  
