
When deciding on a new look, many men choose to grow beards, but regular care is required to keep facial hair manicured and follicles healthy. Because there are common obstacles on the path to growing and maintaining a beard, reach out to a professional barber for guidance. Below are a few beard issues you’ll get help with by visiting your local barbershop.

3 Beard Problems Barbers Will Address

1. Breakage 

Split ends can make facial hair appear unkempt even after it’s brushed. Each follicle root contains sebaceous glands, which produce sebum oil to keep strands hydrated. When the hair reaches a certain length, it becomes difficult for glands to make enough oil to moisturize the entire shaft. This leaves ends coarse and brittle. A barber will remove the breakage and keep strands at the right length to combat hydration problems. They will also recommend oils to use to put moisture back in hair.

2. Trimming Too Much Off

barberWhile shaping the mustache and going over the cheeks, jawline, and chin with a trimmer, it’s possible to cut some sections too short. To correct the error, you might end up cutting the entire beard shorter than intended. A professional will be able to cut your beard precisely, ensuring you always have a flattering look that suits your face shape. 

3. Poor or Patchy Growth

If facial hair is thin in some areas and thicker in others, a barber will recommend steps to remedy the issue. They will evaluate your hair texture to determine what nutrients and products are needed to promote hair growth and prevent loss. As patchy sections grow, they will shape the beard accordingly to keep it even and polished.


Whether you just started growing out facial stubble or already have a voluminous beard, the barbers at A Cut Above will keep it neat and healthy. They’ve proudly been serving clients throughout the Anchorage, AK, area for over 38 years, and they are equipped to address hair issues that arise in the colder climate. They will work with you to ensure you are satisfied with your current style and will recommend new facial hair trends to try. To book a beard grooming appointment, call (907) 276-­6884. Visit the Anchorage barbershop online for a complete list of ways they’ll improve your appearance and to see pictures of the shop. 
