
Businesses are required by law to comply with local guidelines and national regulations to prevent fire hazards at their establishments. Although fire suppression systems are essential in commercial spaces, some industries are inherently more vulnerable to fires than others due to the nature of their operations. Below are a few businesses that require comprehensive fire suppression systems.

What Industries Need High-Quality Fire Suppression Systems?

1. Food Service

Commercial kitchens use fire suppression system industrial cooking equipment, many components of which are considered fire hazards. Oil cookers and ovens generate a considerable amount of heat and can cause uncontrollable flames if left unchecked.  

2. Manufacturing

Large-scale industrial operations like manufacturing plants consider fire safety a major concern since an accident, even a minor one, can result in significant losses from ceased operations or production downtime. The use of combustible materials and production processes which require burning or heating are considered fire and explosion hazards. Electrical hazards, such as overloaded outlets, extension cords, and outdated wiring, can cause fires in manufacturing plants as well.

3. Transport

Trucks, ships, and planes are powered by flammable liquids, and sometimes gases. It’s not uncommon to hear about the effects of fires and explosions due to improper handling and storage aboard these vessels. Aside from good fire suppression systems, equip your staff with protective gear and educate them about hazards and safety procedures.  

4. Construction

Major construction sites conduct hot work projects like welding, soldering, and torch cutting for metal fabrication. Sparks and molten material from these projects can ignite combustible materials and vapors, which can cause explosions or fires. To avoid these hazards, clear the area of flammable materials, supervise workers, and ensure that a fully-functioning fire suppression system is in place.

5. Power Distribution

Substations are essential for power distribution as part of the electrical grid. They are equipped with power transformers, which is a primary safety concern since they can contain oil for cooling and insulation. To mitigate flames from flammable liquid, have a high-quality suppression system set up in case of emergency.


No matter the industry, ensure the safety of everyone on your premises with reliable fire suppression systems from Fire Protection Specialists. Serving La Crosse County, WI, and the surrounding areas, they are committed to providing quality fire safety equipment and maintenance to businesses in many industries. Call (800) 658-9463 to learn more about fire protection services, or visit their website for details.
