
If you decide to take up running, you have the option of jogging along outdoor trails or breaking a sweat on a stationary treadmill. Both experiences have different advantages, which is why you should know what to expect before getting started. Below is a quick comparison of running outside and on fitness equipment.

Treadmill Running Allows for More Control

You can adjust treadmill settings to suit your abilities or workout goals. The belt is shock resistant, which prevents strain each time your foot lands on the surface. The incline and decline settings can also be adjusted to simulate running over steep hills. It’s also easier to stick to a workout routine when you opt to train on a treadmill. The machine is indoors, so you won’t have to worry about bad weather or nightfall making running difficult or dangerous. Because you remain in one place, the lack of new stimuli could make a short run seem much longer. To prevent boredom, many machines come with video monitors for runners to watch TV or focus on simulations of outdoor courses.

You Learn How to Set Pace Running Outdoors

treadmillIf you run long distances, setting a comfortable stride early will prevent you from running too fast and burning out quickly. Running outdoors allows you to develop the right pace. On a treadmill, you might be less inclined to monitor your pacing once settings are plugged into the machine. Knowing how to set and maintain a pace is also important if you plan to run in a marathon. Breathing in the fresh air as you move can also be invigorating. A few consistent days of bad weather, however, could put a damper on your outdoor training routine. If you take off a few days until the weather clears, it might be more difficult to get back into the swing of things. 


If you want to take advantage of the benefits of running on a treadmill, Exercise & Leisure Equipment has home fitness equipment to match your workout style and abilities. A fixture in Hamilton County, OH, the company sells and installs exercise bikes and elliptical machines, in addition to treadmills, by the industry’s leading brands. To inquire about setting up a convenient home gym in Cincinnati or the surrounding areas, call (513) 531-7777, or visit the company online to fill out an information request form. Stay connected on Facebook for exercise tips and alerts about new merchandise. 
