
If you’ve gone for teeth whitening recently, you’ll want to extend your stunning results for as long as possible. Unfortunately, some foods and beverages are notorious for causing unsightly discoloration and should be avoided or consumed sparingly to maintain a bright, white smile. Here are a few of the worst offenders when it comes to staining teeth.

5 Foods & Drinks That Leave Stains on Teeth

1. Red Wine

If you indulge in an occasional glass of vino, consider sipping through a straw to prevent the deep red, acidic wine from coming into contact with your teeth. It’s especially important to steer clear of staining beverages 24 hours after teeth whitening, as your teeth are most likely to pick up stains during this window.

2. Coffee & Tea

teeth whiteningLike wine, coffee and tea have high levels of acidity, which can erode enamel and leave stains. While water is the most dental-friendly drink you can choose, the effects of a morning caffeine habit can be minimized by rinsing with water directly afterward or drinking through a reusable straw.

3. Berries

Berries are rich in key nutrients and are a healthy, low-calorie snack. But, they’re not the best food for preserving a glowing grin. Try to consume blueberries, raspberries, and cranberries in moderation. Rinse after eating and follow up with a glass of milk to neutralize their acidity and protect your teeth.

4. Red Sauce

Pasta sauce is a beloved dinner favorite, but it’s also an often-overlooked staining agent. Like dark drinks, it should be avoided for 24 hours following teeth whitening. Afterward, you can enjoy acidic sauces with a serving of leafy greens, which create a thin, protective film over the teeth and prevent enamel erosion. 

5. Soda

Finally, the acidity in sodas can break down enamel, allowing the yellow dentin underneath to become exposed over time. Dark-colored colas are especially notorious when it comes to creating stains. Consider sipping fruit-infused water as a smile-friendly alternative.


If you’re seeking a glowing smile, look no further than the office of David E. Smith, DMD, PSC in Nicholasville, KY. This practice offers an extensive range of cosmetic dentistry solutions to serve each patient’s unique goals and preferences, including Zoom! teeth whitening and veneers, along with preventive care services. Explore their full range of cosmetic options online or call (859) 887-4008 to schedule an appointment.
