
In divorce mediation, a mediator attorney works with divorcing spouses to reach mutually agreeable resolutions without the interference of family law courts. For the right couple, mediation is a helpful and empowering process that ensures important decisions are kept within the family and meet the unique needs of each member. Here is a more in-depth introduction to this subject and the role a mediator attorney plays.

What Is Divorce Mediation?

In a traditional divorce, crucial determinations about the family's future are made via negotiations by lawyers representing each spouse or through the involvement of family courts. With mediation, the spouses sit down with their mediator attorney and explore solutions to the issues commonly handled by lawyers and courts.

The division of assets and property, child custody arrangements, and child support and alimony can all be decided on during mediation. Each spouse shares their thoughts and feelings on these issues, and the mediator — who is a neutral, third-party legal professional — helps brainstorm ways for the couple to reach common ground. Once both spouses find agreeable terms, the decisions are made a part of the divorce agreement and legally enacted.

What Are the Benefits of Divorce Mediation?

mediator attorneyEach spouse has a say in what happens, and important financial and legal matters are kept between the couple and their mediator. When mediation is complete, a agreement is drawn up, and the divorce is finalized — which tends to mean a much faster, less hectic process from start to finish. Also, it is often less expensive than traditional divorce. Many couples who choose mediation find it strengthens their communication with one another and better avoids future disputes.

Who Is Involved in Divorce Mediation?

Mediation isn't going to be a good fit for every divorcing couple. The spouses who utilize mediation must be able to be in the same room together, remain civil with one another, be willing to hear the other side, and be open to compromise. Some spouses might also opt to hire their own personal lawyer for counsel and advice, but, ultimately, solutions are reached between the couple and mediator.

The mediator attorney guides the negotiations. The mediator keeps both parties on track throughout discussions, offer options that can provide the most benefit, and ensure that decisions are legally sound and in the best interest of the family. Also, the mediator attorney handles the significant amount of paperwork that comes with settling a divorce.


Divorce mediation is, for many couples, a way to end a marriage with a minimum of stress, fighting, and financial commitment. The Law Office and Mediation Center of Jeannine M. Talbot is here to help in the process. Attorney Jeannine is a mediator attorney and divorce lawyer who has been serving Litchfield County, Connecticut, for over 20 years. Call (860) 482-9004 or visit her website to schedule a consultation, and see if mediation is right for you.
