
Thanksgiving is a time for family, fun, and feasts; however, you don’t want to lose your bright smile this holiday season. Between too many sweets and hard-to-chew foods, there are several ways you could end up at the dentist with a toothache. Consider these easy tips to help you enjoy Thanksgiving and a healthy smile.

4 Thanksgiving Oral Care Tips

1. Cut Down on Sweets

Dessert is loaded with sugar, whether it’s your famous pumpkin roll or mom’s apple pie. Sugar can promote bacteria growth, which can lead to decay and cavities. While you don’t have to skip the sweets completely, consume them in moderation and visit your dentist if you notice any pain or discoloration developing.

2. Avoid Acidity

dentistCranberries, another holiday favorite, contain high levels of acid. Acidic foods wear down enamel, which is responsible for protecting the inner, sensitive layers of your tooth. After consuming anything acidic, drink water to wash away any lingering enzymes, and wait 20-30 minutes before brushing your teeth. Brushing too soon may damage your smile because weakened enamel will not protect your teeth from the abrasiveness of the bristles.

3. Make Healthy Choices

There are still many foods at your Thanksgiving table that are good for your dental health. Vegetables like Brussels sprouts and kale supply a lot of calcium, which builds strong teeth. Additionally, crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples and carrots can help remove plaque and buildup.

4. Visit Your Dentist

Scheduling an appointment with your dentist during the holidays is a great way to ensure your smile remains healthy. Many people have time off work during the holidays, making it easier for you to schedule a convenient appointment. Your dentist can also check over your oral health and provide you with additional tips to keep your teeth healthy during your holiday feasts.


Whether you need to spruce up your smile after overindulging on those Thanksgiving sweets or need to find a new dentist for your family, Main Street Dental in La Crosse County, WI, offers complete oral care services. Their team offers patients of all ages the important dental services they need, whether it is preventive, restorative, or cosmetic. To learn more about this dental practice, visit them online or call (608) 784-4063.
