
For some, conventional medicine can fall short of providing effective treatment. In this case, it may be time to schedule an appointment with a naturopathic doctor, who utilizes holistic methods of preventing illness as well as treating diseases and conditions. If you’re in search of an effective remedy to an ongoing health condition, be sure to keep the following information in mind.

What Naturopathic Doctors Do?

Doctors relying on holistic healing methods look at a person’s overall health when making an assessment. The goal is to determine the underlying cause of illness and treat it at every level, from proper diet and exercise to soothing stress that results on a daily basis. These doctors rely on natural methods of healing, which are thought to have fewer complications when compared to drugs and surgeries. However, when necessary, naturopathic doctors have no issue with referring patients to specialists for comprehensive treatment.

What Conditions Do They Treat?

Naturopathic DoctorWhile naturopathic medicine can be used to treat many ailments, these doctors are usually asked for assistance with things like headaches, allergies, chronic pain disorders, fatigue, gastrointestinal problems, and fertility issues. Additionally, these medical professionals are also sought by patients who simply want to boost overall health and wellness.

Are There Different Types of Holistic Doctors?

Some naturopathic doctors have completed coursework similar to conventional doctors, including graduate level studies. These physicians are known as NDs, and in many states being recognized as such requires passing an exam and getting licensed. There are also standard healthcare providers that have knowledge of naturopathic medicine and use this knowledge to offset conventional treatments.


If you’d like to make an appointment with a naturopathic doctor in Issaquah, WA, A Path to Natural Health is here to help. They’ll begin by going over your health history, which will provide a better understanding of your current issue. Next, they’ll develop an all-over plan that focuses not on just masking symptoms but improving the way your body feels and functions from top to bottom. Treatments range from hands-on healing techniques to botanical medications that heal symptoms without incurring unwanted side effects. Call (425) 270-3047 today to schedule your appointment. You can also visit the website for more helpful information on holistic medicine.
