
It’s no secret that brushing and flossing regularly will help you get a positive review during your dental exams. Drinking plenty of water and eating the right foods will also prevent gum problems and cavities. If you already know about the benefits of the usual staples, which include dairy products, apples, and celery, the list below offers a few surprise foods you can enjoy for optimal oral health. 

Interesting Foods for A+ Dental Exams 

1. Xylitol Gum 

Most types of chewing gum are not good for your teeth. However, you may be surprised to hear your dentist recommend xylitol gum at your dental exam. This is sugar-free and is known to prevent dry mouth and tooth decay. Next time you buy a pack, look for the naturally occurring alcohol as the main ingredient. 

2. Onions 

Raw onions reduce mouth bacteria that causes tooth decay. They can also assist in strengthening your tooth enamel. Feel free to put them on your salads and sandwiches. If your breath is no longer fresh afterward, use an antibacterial mouthwash. 

3. Strawberries 

Cold Spring Dental ExamStrawberries are not only delicious, but they also contain phosphorous, which helps to rebuild weak tooth enamel. Plus, since they are made up of more than 90 percent water, they are helpful for washing away bacteria from the mouth. A unique ingredient, malic acid, is known to be a natural teeth whitener.

To get the most benefit from this superfruit, brush and floss your teeth after eating. Being diligent about your oral health practices will allow you to reap the benefits without letting natural sugars build up on your enamel.

4. Oranges 

Oranges are rich in vitamin C, which promotes gum health. Enjoy them as a snack or in juice for breakfast, but don’t forget to brush your teeth afterward. This fruit contains natural acids that are known to break down tooth enamel. As with strawberries, diligent oral hygiene will ensure you get the nutrient advantages without any risk. 

5. Salmon 

Salmon is an excellent source of vitamin D, an essential building block of healthy teeth. Opt for wild salmon, which contains more of the nutrient than its farmed-raised counterparts. Have it for dinner with a tooth-friendly vegetable, like carrots, or put it in a fresh salad for lunch. 


Eating right and taking care of your teeth will help you enjoy better dental health and overall wellness. Dr. Rachel E Gold D.M.D and her team at Total Health Dentistry of Campbell County, KY, will also help you avoid oral and bodily illness by providing you with excellent dental care. To make an appointment with their office for a dental exam, which includes a full oral tissue evaluation, call (859) 441-1230, or request an appointment online. Discover how to avoid tooth fillings and periodontal disease by following the practice on Facebook
