
In addition to cold weather, winter also brings dry air. A humidifier installation adds moisture back into the air, and is a great way to keep your home comfortable while avoiding the discomfort of itchy skin and dried-out sinuses. It can also help reduce your heating bill. Here are a few reasons why you should consider humidifier installation this winter. 

Benefits of Humidifier Installation During the Winter

Softer Skin

humidifier installationDry, cold winter air can remove the moisture from your skin and leave it feeling dry and itchy. It can also make your skin look dull and even accelerate the aging process. By adding more moisture to the air, you will benefit from softer, more beautiful skin.

Improved Sinuses

That dry air can also dry out your sinuses—this happens more often at night, and many homeowners wake up with a sore throat and tight-feeling nose as a result. A humidifier installation will help you find relief and sleep well during the night. 

Reduced Heating Bill

Moist air naturally feels warmer than dry air, allowing you to turn down the thermostat while still feeling comfortable in your home. By running your heating system less, you will see a lower energy bill each month. 

Fewer Electric Shocks

Thanks to dry air, static electric shock is more common during the colder winter months. A humidifier installation will add much-needed moisture to your home’s air, reducing the likelihood that you’ll be zapped the next time you touch the doorknob or another metal surface. 


If you are considering a humidifier installation to make your home more comfortable this winter, contact the HVAC professionals at Always On Call Mountain Mechanical in Anchorage, AK. This specialized plumbing and heating service is proud to offer 24/7 emergency plumbing services. They also work with all makes and models of cooling and heating systems, and are committed to making your home as comfortable as possible this winter. Learn more about their services online or by calling (907) 344-0700 today.
