
You want the best for your children and their health. Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is common in children and adults, and although it’s contagious, it’s easy to cure. Children's eye care is important, so visit an optometrist if you think your child’s eye is infected. Here’s what you should know about identifying and treating pink eye.

Children’s Eye Care and Addressing Pink Eye

1. There Are 4 Kinds of Pink Eye

You can contract pink eye in several different ways, and each comes with their own set of symptoms and treatments. Children can contract allergic pink eye, viral pink eye, bacterial pink eye, or sexually transmitted pink eye, which may occur in newborns with mothers who have diseases such as gonorrhea or chlamydia.

2. Symptoms May Differ

children's eye carePink eye patients experience symptoms including sensitivity to bright light, swelling, itchy or burning eyes, and crusting of eyelashes. In cases of viral or allergic conjunctivitis, you’ll see pink or red in the whites of both eyes. Only one eye is discolored with bacterial pink eye, and there’s usually a discharge of yellow-green pus. Allergy symptoms, including sneezing, itchy nose, scratchy throat, or asthma may occur with allergic pink eye.

3. Children’s Eye Care Requires Rapid Attention

Pediatric eye doctors treat allergic pink eye with antihistamine medication or recommend a cold compress on your child’s eye to soothe irritation. For bacterial pink eye, a pediatric optometrist may prescribe an antibiotic ointment or drops. Your child’s eye doctors may want to monitor their viral pink eye symptoms for a week.


Reduce the risk of pink eye by frequently washing your hands and keeping fingers away from eyes. If your child has symptoms, contact your their pediatrician or eye doctor. Residents in the Lexington, KY, area can visit the trusted optometrists at Abel Klecker & Robbins. The locally owned eye care clinic offers more than 60 years of experience in adult and children’s eye care. Call (859) 269-6921 to talk to an experienced team member or visit their website for more about their vision care services. 
