
Thinking of one’s passing can be a grim topic, but many people find solace in knowing that their burial wishes will be followed. You want everything to go smoothly when you pass, which is why it’s important to pre-plan. Along with funeral planning, you should also plan your burial at the cemetery. This will ensure that your final wishes are honored and will remove a significant burden from your loved ones.

Why You Should Pre-Plan Your Burial

1. Assurance

One reason people pre-plan is so that they have control over their funeral and burial. When you pre-plan, you can purchase the location that you want and arrange the ideal burial service for you. You’ll also have plenty of time to consider a variety of factors, such as who you want to be buried with. The staff at your preferred cemetery will work closely with you every step of the way so that you can have peace of mind.

2. Cost-Effectiveness

cemeteryOver time, the price of cemetery options may increase, like everything else. If purchased last minute after your passing, it can be a significant financial burden, which is why it’s wise to select a burial plot now. By paying upfront, you won’t have to worry about inflation down the road. If you wish to be buried together, you should also encourage family members to do the same. 

3. Alleviating the Burden

Funerals and burials can be emotionally and financially grueling for your loved ones if you haven’t left any plans. By pre-planning, you’re removing a significant burden from them, and you’re ensuring that they don’t face financial hardships by paying for all the arrangements at once. It’s one of the best gifts you can give your family, and it will help make the grieving process easier for them.


If you’re considering burial pre-planning, the staff at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery can help. As the largest Catholic cemetery in Upstate NY, for over 145 years, they’re committed to creating a welcoming resting place and memorial for their clients. You can also discuss headstones and grave markers with them during your pre-planning session. Call (585) 458-4110 today to schedule a consultation. Visit them online to learn more about their cemetery, and connect with them on Facebook for regular news and updates.
