
Hardwood is a popular flooring choice in most home remodels and new construction projects these days, due to the many benefits that it provides. If you’ve been thinking about making a change in your own home, replacing your carpet with hardwood is a choice that will improve the value of your space as well as your lifestyle. Consider a few of the biggest reasons below why homeowners are making the switch.

Benefits of Switching to Hardwood Flooring

1. Easy Maintenanceflooring

Carpets are not easy to keep clean. The fibers hold onto dirt, and anything spilled on the carpet can create a difficult-to-remove stain. Hardwood floors, on the other hand, can be simply wiped up or messes can be swept away. They’re easy to care for, which makes them especially desirable for families with pets or young children.

2. Longer Lifespan

Carpet wears out quickly since the fibers will get dirty and fall apart. It will become visibly worn in high traffic areas after about five to seven years, at which point it needs replacement. Quality wood flooring can last for many decades. If it becomes worn over time, the surface can simply be refinished, which is a much more affordable and quick process than complete floor replacement.

3. Stylish Space

Hardwood floors are elegant and desirable, which is why they’re found in the latest model homes. Guests are much more likely to be impressed by your space if they walk onto a hardwood floor rather than a carpet. The wood will instantly update your space.

4. Prevent Allergies

Carpet fibers trap allergens such as dirt, dust, and pet dander or fur. These allergens can exacerbate allergy or asthma symptoms for people that spend time in the room. People with bad symptoms often find themselves vacuuming their carpet daily to try to prevent the allergen buildup. Hardwood floors don’t trap and hide allergens like carpet does, letting everyone breathe a little easier.

5. Better ROI

The desirability of hardwood flooring makes it a smart choice for your home’s value. Thanks to the above benefits, buyers prefer a home with hardwood than carpet and are willing to pay more for it. While it may cost more than carpet up front, wood will last longer and you’ll enjoy a much higher return on your investment.


When you’re ready to make the switch, trust the team at Handyman Headquarters in St. Charles, MO, to make it happen. They have served the St. Charles community for 16 years with unparalleled home remodeling services, from flooring to painting. They’ve built a reputation for professional results and efficient project schedules. Request a free estimate from their remodeling contractor online or by calling (314) 330-6124.
