
Many careful parents check their child’s Halloween candy to make sure it’s safe to eat, but parents should be equally cautious with their child’s holiday presents. Thanks to proactive attorneys and tougher regulation, the numbers of toys recalled have decreased drastically over the past decade – from 172 in 2008 to 28 in 2017. Still, dangerous products make it onto the market every year. Here’s how to make sure you aren’t putting your little one at risk this December.

What Parents Should Know About Toy Safety

Be Aware of the Risks

Toys pose a variety of unexpected dangers. In one recent case, a musical instrument play set used lead-based paint. In another, an infant rattle with detachable parts that pose a choking hazard. Even older children are at risk; a 2018 recall took slap bracelets off of store shelves after they reportedly caused lacerations. To protect your child, stay abreast of the latest toy recalls. If you encounter unsafe products yourself, report them on the Consumer Product Safety Commission website immediately. 

attorneyIn addition to confirming that any toys you buy haven’t been recalled, there are some basic rules to follow when getting kids gifts. Babies like to “explore” with their mouths and shouldn’t have any toys with small parts. Crayons, paints, and other crafting supplies should be non-toxic. This guide provides pointers on age-appropriate presents.

Seek Help if Your Child Is Hurt

If your little one is harmed because of a dangerous toy, call for medical help and a personal injury lawyer. When you meet with your attorney, bring the toy and its packaging, as well as any medical reports and photographs of your child’s injuries. An attorney will use this information to figure out if you have a case.

They’ll also determine against whom your claim should be filed. Product liability cases are complicated, and could come down to design, manufacturing, or labeling errors. If the toy was inherently dangerous due to poor design, the creative team is at fault. Alternatively, the manufacturer could be to blame if they used an unsafe material. 


If your child is hurt because of a potentially defective product, look to Renzullo & Associates Law for help. Located in Winsted, CT, these attorneys have more than 50 years of combined experience in personal injury law. They know how important your child’s safety is and will do their utmost to defend your little one’s well-being. For a full overview of their practice areas, visit their website. For a consultation with an attorney, call (860) 379-9885. 
