
Back pain is a common complaint in the workplace, whether you spend eight hours at a desk or are up on your feet moving around. However, by taking steps to improve your posture, you can drastically decrease these negative sensations. If you’re looking for ways to feel better on the job, consider these four suggestions.

Ways to Practice Better Posture

1. Know the Proper Position

Whether sitting or standing, line up your ears with your shoulders to ensure you aren’t leaning too far forward or backward. Keeping your body in line strengthens your muscles and can help reduce the back pain you feel from slouching or leaning.

2. Uncross Your Legs

If you’re stuck behind a desk for most of your workday, try to keep your feet flat to the ground. When you cross your legs while sitting, you cause the rest of your body, like your hips, back, and shoulders, to misalign, which can lead to aches and pains. 

3. Move Around

Staying stationary for too long – whether sitting or standing – can cause tension in your neck, shoulders, knees, or feet, in addition to back pain. Make sure to take a couple of minutes every hour to move around and change positions, even if it’s just twisting a little or taking a few steps in place.

4. Add Some Stretches

back painPerform a few easy stretches periodically. If you’re at a desk, take time to extend each arm across your chest and then over your head. If you’re always standing at your job, take a moment to bend your knees, touch your toes, or twist along your center line to loosen up cramped muscles.


If you’re experiencing back pain during the workday, visit the professionals at Alpha And Omega Chiropractor in Lincoln County, NM, to get straightened out. For more than 10 years, these licensed and board-certified chiropractors have provided compassionate and competent care through spinal manipulation and medical massage techniques. To learn more about how Alpha And Omega Chiropractor can help you improve your posture, visit them online or call (575) 258-5999.
