
We all want to look our best for the holidays, and the holidays are right around the corner! So what can you do now to get your skin in tip-top shape? In addition to an effective daily skin care regimen including a topical antioxidant (Vitamin C is my favorite), a nightly collagen stimulator such as retinoids and/or growth factors, and a sunscreen with physical blockers, here is your 30-day treatment plan to get you on track.

Week 1

Time to cleanse and get your skin prepped. Consider a gentle lactic acid exfoliating peel or a low-strength glycolic acid peel. These will help to open your pores and remove dirt and oil, allowing at-home products to penetrate more effectively. 

Week 2

Consider an IPL treatment.  IPL, also known as Intense Pulsed Light, is great for brightening your skin and color blending. It helps to fade discoloration such as sun spots and melasma and can help to minimize rosy cheeks and broken capillaries. It takes approximately a week for your skin to fully settle from the treatment and therefore, should not be done too close to your goal date.

Week 3

This is the ideal time to do a plasma facial. Plasma facials are best known for collagen stimulation and softening fine lines and wrinkles, but I also swear by them for softening dyspigmentation—particularly melasma. When performed a week after your IPL treatment, plasma facials help to lift the damaged pigment that has made its way to your skin’s surface. This leaves your skin brighter, smoother, and more even-toned. 

Week 4

Now is the time to enjoy the fruits of your labor! Keep it simple and focus on hydration and sun protection. This will keep your skin plump, radiant and flawless. 

~Roberta Del Campo, MD

To contact Del Campo Dermatology & Laser Institute for your holiday skin regimen, call (305) 705-6675 today or visit them online.
