
Prosecutors in most Alabama jurisdictions aggressively prosecute drug crimes, enabled by legislatures that have enacted serious penalties for even first offenders. In general, possible sentences for drug offenses range from probation and substance abuse treatment to mandatory life sentences, depending on the type of charges. If you’ve been accused of a drug offense, having a defense attorney to explain the potential consequences can be crucial for making informed choices and achieving a favorable outcome.

The Penalties for Drug Offenses in Alabama

Possession of a Controlled Substance

In Alabama, possessing even small amounts of marijuana or other controlled substances can be considered a Class D felony, which can carry a minimum sentence of one year and one day. While judges frequently give first-time offenders probation instead, even having a simple possession charge on your criminal record can impact your job prospects, financial aid, and several other aspects of your life. Being caught with quantities over very strict limits will likely result in charges of possession with intent to distribute, a Class B felony with prison sentences between two and 20 years and fines of up to $30,000.

Unlawful Distribution

defense attorneySelling any quantity of a controlled substance is also a Class B felony in Alabama, which carries significant penalties. Defendants accused of distribution charges often face added possession charges. If you’ve been charged with unlawful distribution, it’s imperative that you hire a criminal defense attorney with specific experience handling drug cases.

Drug Trafficking

Whether you’re accused of distributing or trafficking drugs depends on the quantities you allegedly possessed at the time of your arrest. For instance, having more than 2.2 pounds of marijuana, over 28 grams of cocaine, or more than four grams of heroin will likely result in drug trafficking charges, a Class A felony with a minimum sentence of three years in prison and fines of up to $50,000. Your criminal defense attorney will advise you on the proper course of action in the face of these very serious charges.


If you’ve been accused of a drug-related offense, let Angela L Walker PC Law Office provide the zealous defense and detailed legal expertise you need. As a respected criminal defense attorney, Ms. Walker has protected the rights of defendants throughout Alabama for over 20 years, building an impressive track record of success in a wide range of difficult legal situations. Visit her website for an overview of her drug crime expertise, or call (251) 970-2575 to speak with an accomplished criminal defense lawyer today.
