
If you’ve ever spotted small, thread-like vessels beneath the skin that don’t go away, you probably have spider veins. These visible lines get their name because they resemble spiders’ legs and are often found on the legs and face in blue, red, or purple hues. To learn more about the condition and how it’s treated, explore some commonly asked questions and their responses, here.

A Guide to Spider Veins

What Causes Spider Veins?

Visible veins indicate pressure in the veins and are often a normal sign of aging. Doctors can’t pinpoint why certain people have them and others don’t, although it’s suspected a combination of lifestyle and hereditary factors could play a role. For instance, people who stand for long periods may be more likely to have increased pressure in the legs, leading to spidery, visible veins.

How Are They Different From Varicose Veins?

spider veinsBoth spider and varicose veins are caused by a backup of blood, but the former are commonly concentrated to superficial veins. Varicose veins, on the other hand, can cause blood to pool in vessels that travel back up to the heart. With that said, not all varicose veins present immediate health risks.

Are They Dangerous?

On their own, spider veins aren’t considered a health concern. When they are linked to varicose veins, however, they could present health issues. Research has indicated that there’s a correlation between varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis, or a blood clot that could be deadly if left untreated. It’s therefore a good idea to have both spider and varicose veins checked out.

How Are They Treated?

Luckily, if you only have spider veins, non-invasive laser treatments called sclerotherapy can be used to reduce their appearance. A dermatologist will inject a solution into the affected veins, which will cause them to eventually disappear completely. Because they aren’t major vessels, the veins serve no important function and can therefore be removed without consequence.


If you have spider veins and are looking for an effective solution to have them removed, contact the office of Lauren A Daman, MD, PC. Specializing in laser surgery, this dermatologist helps patients throughout the Hartford and Simsbury, CT, areas look and feel their best. Browse through the office’s full list of services on their website or call (860) 246-3533 to schedule a consultation.
