
Achieving a white, beaming smile requires discipline. After brushing and flossing, the best way to preserve your dental health is to avoid certain bad habits. While dentists can perform teeth whitening treatments to remove stains, only you can prevent the further breakdown of your enamel. Here's a closer look at practices to reconsider.

Break These Habits for Better Oral Health

1. Smoking

The nicotine and tar in tobacco products cause yellowing. Over time, this will transform into an unsightly brown color. 

In addition to these cosmetic problems, smoking increases a person’s risk of periodontal disease, which can result in gum inflammation, bone decay, and eventual tooth loss. Smokers' chances of developing oral cancer are also higher. This sometimes-fatal disease can create white or red patches across the mouth and make it difficult to chew and talk.  

2. Drinking Coffee and Wine

dentistWhile much less hazardous to your health than smoking, deeply pigmented drinks can also diminish the brightness of your smile. The enamel protecting your teeth is porous, and while it keeps decay-causing bacteria at bay, it allows liquids to penetrate. Red wine and coffee both contain tannins which stain. However, rather than not drinking them, try to enjoy these beverages in moderation. Afterward, rinse your mouth and brush your teeth when possible.

3. Not Visiting the Dentist

Visit the dentist twice a year for a teeth cleaning and exam. Without these, plaque will build up in hard-to-reach areas, causing surface stains to develop. During your bi-annual visit, they will provide valuable cleaning tips to achieve a vibrant smile and also take measures to reduce your risk of oral health issues.


If you’re overdue for a trip to the dentist, visit Dr. Richard A. Brunmieier, DDS. Located in Lincoln, NE, Dr. Brunmieier and his team offer a variety of services, including restorative and cosmetic dentistry while striving to keep patients informed and comfortable. If you’re ready to schedule a teeth cleaning, call (402) 484-6644 today. Or visit his Facebook for more dental tips and tricks.
