
In an attempt to keep the roads, rails, skies, harbors, and pipelines safe, the Department of Transportation requires certain parties to undergo regular drug and alcohol testing. Also known as DOT tests, these screenings are regulated by the government and must be administered in specific scenarios and at various intervals. Whether you’re an employer or an employee in the transportation industry, here is what you should know about mandatory drug testing. 

Who Is Subject to DOT Tests?

Anyone whom the Department of Transportation deems a safety-sensitive employee is subject to drug and alcohol testing. This includes flight crews, air traffic controllers, commercial drivers, maritime crew members, pipeline operators, and train dispatchers. It’s important to remember that the job title does not matter when it comes to DOT requirements, though. Instead, the specific tasks an individual performs will determine whether he or she must undergo regular screenings.  

What Do DOT Tests Screen for?

DOT testThe Department of Transportation requires employers to test urine for the presence of THC, cocaine metabolites, amphetamines, opiates, and phencyclidine. These drugs can all impair performance in a major way, posing the risk of serious and even fatal accidents. Employers must screen workers for such substances before completing the hiring process. They must also conduct DOT tests when they have reason to believe an employee is impaired, when an accident occurs on-the-job, and when an employee returns to duty after failing a past screening. Random testing at various intervals is also mandated for all safety-sensitive employees. 


If you need to conduct DOT tests in Maricopa County, AZ, turn to US Compliance Consortium. Based in Phoenix, they are proud to help companies throughout the area comply with the government's safety standards and reduce on-the-job accidents by fostering drug- and alcohol-free work environments. Visit their website to learn more about maintaining compliance by conducting DOT tests, or call (602) 765-2200.
