
Strong bones are essential for avoiding a variety of health care problems. Without a durable foundation, the body is susceptible to many issues, including weakness, broken bones, and muscle pain. The strategies below will help you avoid medical conditions like osteoporosis, so you can prevent injuries and discomfort.

Natural Health Care Tips for Strong Bones 

1. Get Enough Calcium Cornelia Health Care

Consuming enough calcium is essential for bone health. The first way to increase your intake is to eat calcium-rich foods. These include dairy products like milk, yogurt, and ricotta cheese.

Vegetables like broccoli rabe, kale, and collard greens also have the nutrient. Don’t forget seafood like salmon and sardines, or fortified dairy-free options. If you’re not getting enough calcium through your diet, your doctor can recommend a calcium supplement. A variety of vitamins are available over the counter to help meet your needs. 

2. Maintain a Healthy Weight 

Prevent health care interventions by maintaining an appropriate body weight for your height. Being overweight increases your chances of developing bone issues. Eat a low-calorie, balanced diet made up of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Add low-fat or vegetarian proteins while steering clear of foods high in salt. It’s also essential to exercise daily. Low-impact activities such as pilates, yoga, walking, or swimming are good to add to your everyday routines. 

3. Do Strength Training Exercises 

In addition to low-impact activities, strength training exercises like push ups, squats, and jumping jacks help build and maintain bone density. Aerobics, jogging, and tennis are also excellent strengthening activities. If you need guidance, you can enlist the help of a trainer or physical therapy professional. They can tell you which routine is ideal for your health and lifestyle. 

4. Watch Your Caffeine Intake 

While your health care team probably won’t make you avoid your morning coffee, they do want you to know that excessive amounts of caffeine can weaken your bones. Instead of reaching for that second or third cup of java, drink a cup of hot tea or a glass of milk. 

5. Add Extra Nutrients  

Calcium isn’t the only important nutrient. Vitamin D, vitamin K, and magnesium are also crucial for bone health. You can also help protect your bones by consuming zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. Good sources of zinc include beef, shrimp, and spinach. Chia seeds, flaxseeds, and walnuts are all good sources of omega-3 fats. Talk to your health care provider about how much of each nutrient you need per day. If they determine you aren’t getting enough, they can recommend a supplement. 


If you want more information on how you can strengthen your bones, turn to the health care professionals at Spectrum Healthcare in Cornelia, GA. Their team provides a variety of integrated physical medicine options to residents of Habersham County, including chiropractic care, physical therapy, disc compression, and pain management. To make an appointment, call their office at (706) 778-0077. Download new patient forms and explore more of their services on their website
