
Even the highest-quality dentures will need to be replaced over time. Replacement may be necessary for a number of reasons, from changes in the patient’s mouth to general wear and tear. If you think it might be time for a new set of dentures, be on the lookout for the following signs.

Indications You May Need New Dentures

1. Staining

Just like your natural teeth, dentures are susceptible to staining. Discoloration is often linked to food and beverages, such as coffee and wine, and the more you consume the worse stains can be. Properly caring for your dentures, including brushing and soaking them on a daily basis, can keep them looking bright. If stains become too pronounced, however, speak with your dentist about having a new set created.

2. Discomfort

DenturesThink about how your dentures fit when you first got them. Do they still feel the same or are you experiencing a fair amount of discomfort? If so, your dentures or even your oral cavity could have changed shape. This impacts your level of comfort, but it can also affect your bite. If you’re having a hard time eating or speaking, consider scheduling an exam as soon as possible.

3. Length of Time

Even if your dentures look and feel OK, how long you’ve had them can also be a red flag. Dentures between five and 10 years old usually show more wear and as a result, many dentists recommend getting replacements within this time period. During a dental exam, your dentist can assess the current state of your dentures while also determining whether a replacement is called for. That way you can stay ahead of any problems, as opposed to having your dentures break at an inopportune moment.


If you have questions about your dentures, Dr. Robert Petrtyl has answers. Treating patients in and around Cincinnati, OH, for more than three decades, Dr. Petrtyl and the rest of his team at this family dentistry will start by examining your mouth. From there, your dentures will be custom-fitted to your exact characteristics, which reduces discomfort and ensures a good fit. They can also provide partial dentures, which are suited to patients missing only a few teeth. Schedule your appointment today by calling (513) 554-4657. To learn more about their complete list of dental services, visit them online.
