
Genitourinary refers to the urinary and genital organs. The urinary system comprises the kidneys, bladder, and urethra and is responsible for filtering waste from the blood. Both children and adults can suffer from infections and obstructions in the urinary tract, as well as diseases that can cause kidney damage. While each disorder is slightly different, many produce the same symptoms and all warrant medical treatment. Here are some signs you could have a genitourinary disorder and should visit a doctor.

3 Symptoms of Genitourinary Disorders

1. Below Average Height & Weight

Failure to develop at average rates could indicate a urinary system which is underperforming. Sudden, unexplained weight loss is especially important to look for in children. These symptoms could be a result of renal insufficiency or the kidneys’ inability to function as they should. With that said, they can also be attributed to other conditions, which is why it’s important to seek medical treatment and receive an accurate diagnosis.

2. Fever

medical treatmentWhile certainly not a definite indicator of a kidney infection or other genitourinary disorder, a fever could be an accompanying symptom. This is especially true when other symptoms are present, including pain at the genitourinary site. A history of unexplained fever could point to renal issues, and in some cases, fevers can reach temperatures as high as 104 degrees. They may also be accompanied by the chills. Any time you or your child has a fever that doesn’t break or is higher than 103, it’s a good idea to seek medical treatment.

3. Pain

Pain in the genitourinary organs can either be local or referred. Local pain, as its name suggests, occurs in the organ itself. Local kidney pain is often felt just below the ribs, while a condition in which the testicles are affected can produce discomfort and inflammation. On the other hand, pain from kidney stones can cause referred pain, which is felt elsewhere, such as the scrotal wall or testicle.


If you suspect you or your child could have a genitourinary disease, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with Emerald City Medical Arts. Located in Seattle, WA, this family practice can pinpoint the root cause behind your frustrating symptoms with thorough exams and provide the best medical treatment recommendations for your needs. Learn more about their approach to wellness by visiting their website, or call (206) 281-1616 to schedule an appointment.
