
Wisdom teeth are a third set of molars that erupt in the back corners of the mouth in young adulthood. While some may have no trouble with these molars, many will find that the teeth can become impacted or infected and cause severe pain. If this happens to you, you’ll likely need to see an oral surgeon as soon as possible for wisdom teeth removal to prevent further complications. However, to ease the discomfort until you can get professional help, consider these temporary pain relief solutions.  

Top Tips for Wisdom Teeth Pain Relief

1. Apply Ice

Putting an ice pack on the cheek where the pain is localized can temporarily decrease inflammation to minimize pain. To avoid irritation, wrap the ice pack in a towel and only apply it for about 20 minutes at a time.

2. Take Ibuprofen

wisdom teeth removalIbuprofen is a common over-the-counter medication that is designed to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. If you’re experiencing wisdom teeth pain, take the appropriate dose of ibuprofen as directed by the medication instructions.  

3. Rinse With Salt Water

Rinsing with salt water is often recommended after wisdom teeth removal as a way to keep the site clean and neutralize harmful bacteria. However, this practice can also be helpful before your oral surgery. To make this saline solution, dissolve one teaspoon of salt into eight ounces of water. Next, swish the solution around your mouth and spit. The mixture should help soothe bleeding and inflamed gums and remove bacteria that may contribute to infection.

4. Use a Numbing Gel

There are several over-the-counter oral numbing gels you can find at your local drugstore. These products contain benzocaine—a topical solution that acts as an anesthetic to block pain signals coming from your teeth. To use this product, apply a small amount to the gums where your pain is originating.  

5. Soothe With Peppermint

Peppermint oil produces a mentholated effect that can help soothe pain and reduce inflammation. If you have natural peppermint extract, put it on a cotton ball and apply to the affected area. Drinking peppermint tea is another possible option.


If you’re experiencing any type of wisdom tooth pain, the specialists at Oral Surgery Associates of Alaska can provide you with lasting relief. Backed with state-of-the-art equipment, these oral surgeons of Anchorage, AK, will make wisdom teeth removal as swift and painless as possible. After surgery, they’ll provide you with comprehensive instructions to ensure you recover with maximum comfort. To learn more about their surgical and sedation dentistry services, visit this clinic online. If you need to schedule wisdom teeth removal, call a friendly staff member at (907) 561-1430.
