
If you are hosting company from out of town, your septic system could become overwhelmed fast. When the occupants of a home increase, so do the demands on your septic pump and underlying tank. To avoid any unfortunate backups or other issues, keep in mind a few aspects when expecting company.

Ways to Reduce Strain on Your Septic Pump and Tank

1. Prepare Food Beforehand 

When you use your garbage disposal and dishwasher, the food particles present on your dishes can rinse down the drain, entering your septic system. If you plan to eat together with your visitors, make things easier for your septic pump by preparing food beforehand. In addition to saving you time when you are entertaining visitors, early food prep also makes it easy to avoid overwhelming your system. 

septic pump2. Brief Guests On House Rules 

Every household is different, so take a few minutes to brief your new guests on the house rules involved with using your septic system. For instance, explain to your guests that baby wipes, feminine hygiene products, and tissues can’t be flushed down the toilet, because they could clog your septic pump and take up too much space in the tank. 

3. Stagger Water Use

When you have a septic tank, it is possible to overwhelm your system with too much outgoing water, causing your fixtures to backflow. Try to stagger water usage by scheduling showers and bath times with your visitors. If your visitors prefer to shower in the morning, ask your family to shower at night to stagger usage. 


If your septic tank develops problems in the middle of hosting guests, reach out to Green Acres Septic Tank Service in Callaway County, MO. These specialists can help with everything from grease trap cleaning to new system installation. You can find the help you need by giving them a call at (573) 529-6706. You can also send them a message online for an estimate. 
