
Your commercial parking lot is an extension of your business, whether you own a restaurant, retail store, apartment complex, or any other establishment where clients or tenants park their vehicles. If your parking lot is no longer reflecting your enterprise the way you want because of cracks, potholes, and other flaws, it’s time to consider refinishing services. Refinishing your parking lot offers benefits contributing to a more functional, attractive business

The Top 4 Benefits of Refinishing Commercial Parking Lots

1. Appearance

Beautifully-refinished parking lots add to the curb appeal of any commercial business or complex, especially when they are routinely swept to avoid unsightly debris deposits. Cracked, pothole-heavy lots deter customers who may call into question how well you maintain the rest of your business. The same is true of apartment complexes--if you do not keep up with your parking lot, potential tenants will wonder if there’s anything else you do not take care of.

2. Safety

parking lotsParking lots riddled with potholes and deep cracks are not only unattractive, but they are also dangerous. Customers or tenants can trip and sustain a variety of injuries depending on how they fall. Since a lack of commercial property maintenance is a liability issue, help yourself avoid legal trouble by keeping your parking lot smooth and safe. 

3. Cleanliness

Huge cracks and potholes collect dirt, dust, and debris quickly, making your parking lot look even more unappealing. Left unchecked too long, dirt-filled cracks often create the opportunity for weeds to grow from seeds on the wind. Keep your parking lot clean with refinishing and regular sweeping.

4. Tenant Satisfaction

Tenants who have to park in unsafe, unsightly parking lots become disgruntled quickly. Show your tenants that you care about where they park their vehicles with refinishing surfaces. Doing so will also help attract new tenants impressed by your diligence.


The commercial general contractors at TTAD, LLC refinish parking lots throughout the Reynoldsburg, Franklin, and Columbus, OH areas with impressive results. Also specializing in commercial building construction, renovation, and property management, this talented team has proudly served the region since 2010 and customizes services to suit their clients’ budgets. Call (740) 927-1787 today to start your project.
