
Everyone agrees that ear infections are uncomfortable. Unfortunately, they can also cause hearing problems as well as general health issues in adults. If you experience one or more of these symptoms, it’s time to visit a doctor. They will help you determine if what you’re feeling is a sign of ear inflammation, a virus, or a bacterial condition.

Symptoms & Hearing Problems Signaling an Ear Infection

1. Pain

Hearing ProblemIf you have an outer ear infection, you will feel discomfort and tenderness at the opening of your ear or inside your ear canal. The reaction either results from the development of bacteria or an injury to the ear canal skin. If left untreated, the pain may radiate to your neck, head, or face.

2. Swelling

Outer ear infections also cause inflammation of the ear canal. Patients may feel a fullness inside their ear from a buildup of debris and fluid. Advanced cases of the disease can make the lymph nodes swell inside the neck.

3. Trouble Hearing

Adults who develop outer and middle ear infections often complain about hearing problems. Sounds usually seem lowered or muffled. Temporary hearing loss may also occur. While this symptom makes everyday life difficult, it usually clears up quickly after treatment.

4. Dizziness

An inner ear infection is most commonly the direct result of inflammation, also known as labyrinthitis. Since labyrinthitis affects the parts of the ear responsible for balance, patients often experience dizziness. Typical signs include a spinning sensation and weakness. It’s also possible to feel close to passing out.

5. Nausea

A natural imbalance between the brain and ear leads to nausea. People with inner ear infections may become nauseated or experience vomiting. This symptom is often accompanied by dizziness or lightheadedness. This may also be linked to vertigo. 


Should you have questions about hearing loss, the team of audiologists at County Hearing And Balance can help. They’ve been trusted in the community for over 40 years and provide free initial consultations to patients in Southeastern and Shoreline, CT. To make an appointment to discuss hearing problems at one of their six locations, call (203) 245-1950, or find the office nearest you online. For helpful information about hearing aids, tinnitus, and hearing tests, visit their Facebook page.
