
Snow and cold air can make winter a dreary time, but bird watching brightens up the season. If you are looking to attract feathered friends to your yard this winter, all it will take is a little research and a trip to your local home improvement store. By following these simple tips, you can make your backyard a bird’s winter haven. 

Love Bird Watching? 4 Ways to Attract Birds to Your Yard

1. Place a Variety of Feeders

home improvement storeWhen you purchase feeders from the home improvement store, make sure that you buy a variety of models. Every bird has a different feeding and nesting preference, so it’s important to accommodate them. For example, some birds prefer to feed in the open while others like to spend time in tree cover. By staggering the feeders around the yard, you can attract a variety of birds.

2. Diversify the Food

Just as birds like to feed in different places, they also prefer various types of food. According to the National Wildlife Federation, you should stock your yard with seed mixes, suet, black-oil sunflower seeds, thistle, and nectar. These food options will attract many different birds, and they are also high enough in fat to nourish birds during the winter.

3. Keep Squirrels Away

Birds aren’t the only critters interest in the feeders. Hungry squirrels can easily climb into feeders and eat the bird seed, costing you extra money and trips to the home improvement store to restock. This is why it’s important to use squirrel deterrents around the feeders and birdhouses. 

4. Keep Ground Debris

Not all birds fly into trees and other elevated places to feed. Some prefer to graze on the ground. To welcome these ground dwellers, keep small sticks and fallen leaves in your gardens. These rotting leaves will attract bugs, which will bring grub-eating birds. If seeds fall on the ground from the feeders, allow these to remain on the ground for these birds as well. 


To stock up on quality bird feeders and seeds this winter, head to A & R Home Center. Located in Washington, IN, this home improvement store has been serving the local community for 48 years. Whether you are looking for a new set of power tools or the perfect paint primer, their team of experts will help you make your selection. They also employ a team of plumbers, electricians, and HVAC specialists to help you with home maintenance. To view a full list of services, you can visit them online. You can also get in touch by calling (812) 254-7018 today.
