
Between freezing cold temperatures, snow, and sleet, your home’s exterior takes a beating in the winter. There are ways for homeowners to minimize the risk of damage by preparing in the fall. Power washing, for example, will keep your siding in top shape to withstand the onslaught of cold weather. Use this to-do list to protect your home’s exterior all season long. 

A Guide to Winterizing Your Home’s Exterior

Prepare Your Gutters

Gutter systems get clogged up with falling leaves and other debris in the fall. This debris creates clogs, so melting snow, ice, and rain overflow instead of properly draining away from your home. Over time, this moisture causes damage to your roofing, siding, and foundation. Clean out your gutters once a month throughout the fall, with one last inspection after all the leaves have fallen from nearby trees. Check your downspouts for clogs as well. During the first major storm of the season, go outside to see whether there are any issues with the drainage. Schedule repairs if necessary.

Pressure Wash Your Home’s Exterior

power washingThe constant moisture on the outside of your house during winter makes it a perfect environment for mold, mildew, and algae to grow. This growth can damage to your building materials. The problems from this damage compound over time, leading to leaks or necessitating repairs or replacement. Dirt buildup further encourages the growth of fungus, so it’s best to clean your exterior thoroughly before winter begins. Power washing rapidly removes months’ worth of grime. It’s also suitable for use on driveways, walkways, and patios. Only professionals should pressure wash, since improper technique damages the surface instead of removing the filth. 


To get your home in the prime condition for winter, contact The Powerwash Guys. These power washing experts serve property owners throughout Fairfield and New Haven Counties, CT. They’re fully insured and trained, and use only the most cutting-edge equipment to provide reliable and efficient pressure washing. Their competitive rates make it affordable to knock everything off your fall to-do list, from driveway to roof cleaning. Contact them online or at (203) 783-0404 to request an estimate today. 
