
November 2018 Newsletter


BBA Session 2.1


Remember, the first session of our Bosque Beef Academy (BBA) will be on Tuesday, November 13, 2018 at the Clifton Civic Center.  The seminar will start at 6:00 pm and will include food, so come hungry.  We will begin with a review of last year’s sessions, so if you are new, this will give you a good starting place to join the group.  Please RSVP to us at the store by November 10th.


The Fish Truck is Coming


Dunn’s fish truck will be at our store on Friday, November 16th  from 8:00—9:00 a.m. to offer stock pond fish for purchase.  They will have catfish, bass, bluegill, crappie and several other fish varieties.  They prefer that you call in your order ahead of time to assure that they can fill your order.  Fish will be available without an order also.  Let us know if you need to order…….we can help!


The Developing Calf


Proper nutrition plays a huge role in the ability of a cow to re-breed each year.  As with all mammals, nutrition plays a very significant role in the development of the fetus during a cow’s pregnancy also.  Research has shown that if there is an event during any of the trimesters of a pregnancy that limits proper nutrition to the cow, i.e. poor forage, limited forage, adverse weather or parasites, there can be changes in how the genes express themselves in the fetus.  During the 1st Trimester, the placenta forms establishing a bed for the fetus and the organs and limbs develop. Stress during this time could result in loss of the pregnancy or poor calf health at birth.  The 2nd Trimester is the time that muscle tissue forms and the organs grow.  Nutritional challenges during this period cause problems in future weight gain, carcass weight, and carcass quality.  The 3rd Trimester is when 75% of the fetal growth occurs and final development of the lungs take place.  Stress during this time will result in small, weak calves and respiratory problems.  Beef producers must always strive to keep cows on an adequate level of nutrition.  It’s all about planning for the future…… year’s calf!


50th Celebration Wrap Up


Thank you for helping us celebrate our 50th anniversary!  We had store specials, plenty of food, good music, lots of stories, and multiple door prizes.  Following are the lucky door prize winners:


Winner Prize
Ryan Hickerson Chapin Sprayer
Chris Chastain Pet Mate Dog Bed
Bobby Allen Muck Boots
Murray Wise Cordless Drill
Don Brandenberger 2,000# Winch
Trent Guinn 42” Smart TV
Kevin Eggleston 3,500 Watt Generator
Brian Lane $500 Visa Gift card


Things to Consider in November

· Check your inventory of hay rings.  We have several different kinds to fit your preference.

· Mineral needs of cows goes up this time of the year.  Declining forage quality along with new calves coming soon cause cows to consume more mineral.  Consider mineral tubs…...uniform consumption and no feeder needed!

· End of year spending…..consider a new Priefert Squeeze Chute.  Come by the store for a demonstration.

· We can help with calf weaning.  Let us help plan your vaccines and nutrition.  Bulk feeders are available for rent.


Remember to VOTE on November 6th!


We appreciate your business!  Let me know if I can help with questions!                     --Steve Conrad




