

Trigger points in the muscles can refer pain in a way that mimics many medical conditions. For example, a client comes in with acute mid-back pain stating, “I thought It was a bladder infection but all the tests are normal”. This person often feels a consistent nagging ache in the lower thoracic region. It would be common to see them be squirming or stretching continuously trying to get relief. There may be restriction and pain when trying to flex and extend the spine or when bending away from the painful side. The Serratus Posterior Inferior muscle could be the cause of their discomfort.

This trigger point often forms when there has been an acute back strain during the combined movement of lifting, turning and reaching. Any movement where the back is hyperextended while trying to reach up and work overhead can activate this trigger point. People who tend to lean to one side while sitting have problems with trigger points in the muscle. A sagging mattress can be a contributor to this muscle forming a trigger point.

Actions that can help decrease the incidence of this trigger point formation include practicing good posture and having good lumbar support when sitting. Invest in a supportive mattress. If you are doing bending and lifting or working with your hands over your head try to take breaks and stretch the muscles throughout your project. Once a trigger point forms it does not release well on its own. Make an appointment for evaluation and treatment for the quickest relief of your pain.

Trigger Point Myotherapy provides comprehensive evaluation and treatment of myofascial trigger points. Trigger point release therapy is not a massage. Christine Beckman, BSN, LMT, Nationally Certified Manual Trigger Point Therapist, has 160 hours of trigger point training. Don’t wait! Get some relief! Call today for an appointment at 402-228-8955 or visit the website:




