
People v. P.R. (Gorham Tn. Ct., 10/18)



Mr. Corletta saved another license in People v. P.R. (Gorham Tn. Ct., 10/18).


          In that case, Mr. Corletta’s client was a chronic offender with a lifetime accumulation of 70 points on their license. Mr. Corletta assisted this client over a 20 year period, in keeping their license, despite numerous infractions. The client returned to Mr. Corletta for an 11 point Speeding violation, a conviction on which would result in mandatory suspension, and given the client's lifetime driving history, more than likely a lengthy one due to changes in DMV Regulations, penalizing such “Serious Driving Offenses”.


          Mr. Corletta demonstrated his knowledge of current law by taking extra time to speak to the Assistant District Attorney and explain the circumstances, including the client's need of a license for employment purposes. As a result of persistent efforts and having his client complete a Defensive Driver Course, the Assistant District Attorney relented to a 7 point reduction to a 4 point speeding violation, which should not impact the client’s driving record at all, and should result in a reduction of insurance premiums.


          Mr. Corletta further counseled the client regarding the need to lay off the proverbial gas pedal. The client understood they had dodged another bullet through Mr. Corletta’s efforts, which have been consistent for over 20 years.
