
Maintaining a brilliantly white smile requires a variety of healthy habits.  Seeing your dentist every six months for deep teeth cleanings is an important one. But you can do a lot between those visits, too, such as refraining from smoking and being aware of staining foods and drinks. While many foods and beverages that stain teeth are good for you, it’s important to deal with them promptly to avoid lasting discoloration. Use this list as your starting point for a whiter smile.

Notorious Teeth-Staining Foods & Beverages

1. Red Wine

Arguably the healthiest alcoholic beverage, red wine is unfortunately a powerful staining agent. Chromogens and tannins are plant-based compounds that give the wine its deep red hue, but they feature pigments that discolor teeth. Wine is also acidic, meaning it wears away at enamel to make it easier for stains to stay put.

2. Berries

Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and other members of the berry family offer the antioxidants necessary for optimal cellular health. They’re delicious treats in addition to boosting your health, but they do feature pigments that stain teeth.

3. Tea

All types of tea stain teeth because they are loaded with tannins. The darker the tea, the higher the tannin level...and the more discolored your teeth will become. White and green tea offer health benefits without staining teeth as severely.

4. Curry

dentistEating curry on a regular basis causes teeth to stain quickly. Its deep pigmentation turns teeth yellow, especially if the Indian food isn’t served with natural teeth cleaners such as carrots, celery, and cauliflower.

5. Beets

The dark juice from beets stains everything it comes in contact with, and your teeth are no exception. Particularly in juice form, never underestimate these root vegetables’ powerful staining agents. 

Dentists don’t recommend avoiding these foods and beverages, but they’ll advise you that it’s best to brush your teeth 30 minutes to an hour after consuming them. Rinsing your mouth out after eating is also a quick fix until you can get to your toothbrush. 


The talented dentist at Darr Dentistry has helped residents throughout Thomasville, NC, maintain white, healthy smiles since 1999. Dr. Pamela Johnson-Darr DDS, PA offers teeth whitening among many other general and cosmetic dentistry services, as well as complimentary OraSpa services to help patients relax. Call the dentist at (336) 475-1614 today to schedule an appointment or visit the website to learn more about services. Like the dentist on Facebook for helpful dental health tips.
